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What's New in The Museum


New Fossil Acquisitions, artwork, dinosaur models, set design, and technology, means there's always something New with Traveling Dinos!  

Add in the research, attention to detail, and the pure magic of the experience comes together for an awesome visit for your kids and families!


 A Kid/Family Pleasing Winner!

The "hands-on activities" Activity Center has become an exciting hub of the museum.

We continue to add and refine the Center as an important part of the museum and learning lab created for kids and their families to explore. 

The Phil Wilson Murals

One of the important missions of the museum and unique to Traveling Dinos is to highlight great books, authors, and the illustrators whose incredible talents come together to help us tell the story of these magnificent animals.


Phil Wilson is a legendary Disney Artist who has created 9 original Disney characters and illustrated nearly 100 children’s books. He also loves dinosaurs, and as a Paleo artist, he has worked with some of the world’s most most famous paleontologists- Jack Horner (who Dr. Alan Grant was based on in Jurassic Park), Dr. Bob Bakker of The Houston Museum of Natural Science, (also advisor for Jurassic Park) and Dr. Peter Dodson of The University of Pennsylvania.

Phil's licensed paintings were chosen to inspire awe and pure wonder and are reproduced for the museum as 8 feet tall, 10 feet long murals.

Imagine you’re a first or second grader taking in the sheer awesomeness of a herd of giant sauropods, and then the face to face with T rex and the troodons... It's pretty awesome!

(Part of the proceeds of our museum visits go into the acquisition of new fossil/artifacts, infrastructure, and art for the museum like this.) We'll continue to add even more of his pieces in the future.


The Digital microscopes and sample fossils are a huge attraction in The Traveling Dinos Musuem

The Traveling Dinos Museum, The Sea Monster Exhibit and The Dino Squad Exhibit now feature four digital microscopes for the kids

to explore the coolest fossils ever!

Posing with The Phil Wilson Murals are a hit!

The Phil Wilson Murals wow and make for fabulous photo ops.

The Sea Monster Exhibit of The Traveling Dinos Museum
The Dino Squad Exhibit Banner

The Incredible New Traveling Exhibit Visits

Up close with the Sae Monster fossils

New Dinosaur Scale Models and Museum Quality Figures are throughout the museum, kid sized and kid level.

Some of the Amazing Fossils being added constantly to Traveling Dinos

Securely and even stylishly performing their very important job are the custom display stands made by Joey Hartley and Andy Thomason.

The Latest

A Two Year Old T. Rex Dinosaur Skeleton Comes to The Museum!

Meet Junior Here.

Art and Genius = A Sensational Traveling Dinos Exclusive!

I've really enjoyed getting to know and understand the genius who is Phil Wilson over the last few years. Legendary Disney Artist, and one of the most distinctive Paleo artists around, once you get to know Phil's art, you can recognize it instantly.  Much like the art of Tommy DePaola, Eric Carle or Dr. Seuss, it has a richness and warmth that few others can capture. This Summer we licensed 2 more pieces of his work, for the museum, and then I had an idea. I first talked to Phil's art rep Cliff, and then called Phil. I asked him if he would consider painting a custom commission for us. He said absolutely! What resulted is stunning!

Phil paints in layers; first the landscape, then gets a fill for the ambiance as he adds lighting, then finally the animals go in, and what results is magical!

The mission was to create a diorama for Junior the T. Rex. Recent research has revealed that T. Rex traveled as a family, not unlike a lion's pride. Phil captured the family of caring mother, the youngsters, and a watchful dad. Now what was unusual was the size. He paints on small canvas and then has digital photos taken to enlarge for printing our murals for the museum. The art printed out at 20 feet wide which means it is a wide painting to start with, that created unique challenges for Phil and ultimately his photographer.

What resulted thrilled Phil and us! We can't wait for you to see this incredible art of Phil Wilson's  The T. Rex Family  in The Traveling Dinos Museum.

Brand New: Now There are Three Awesome Museum/Exhibit Options!

Choose from The Wow of The Full Traveling Dinos Museum Experience, and The New Touring Exhibits- Expedition: Dino Squad and, The Sea Monster Adventure Exhibit,

Stand Alone, Spin-off Touring Exhibits of Traveling Dinos!


If your kids dig prehistoric reptiles, sharks, cool weird real stuff, and learning about these remarkable animals, then this exhibit is perfect for your class, grade level, or school. Mission Explore: The Sea Monster Adventure captures that awe and magic as we share the real fossils, teeth, models, books, stories, and art of these amazing creatures that lived in the mysterious aquatic world that is the Ocean!

The Sea Monster Adventure Exhibit is a hit with kids and adults alike!

The Exhibit is a Smaller Unit created from Traveling Dinos, it is great for a class and/or a grade level, and perfect to include when studying :

An Ocean Unit

Sea Life

Prehistoric Life

Mysteries of the Ocean

or Because it’s just plain Cool!

Plus, it's more economical than the full museum, with half day, full day, and evening family options.

Discover more here.

The Amazing New Fossils Recently Added to The Collection:

* The stunning personal discovery of a large hadrosaur skin section on a hadrosaur bone, making the piece one of the rarest in the collection.
Ankylosaurus: Just added, a very rare vertebrae and a scute (one of the famous small boney armor plates) Many kids consider this their favorite dinosaur!
(For instance, “Bumpy" is an ankylosaurus in the hit Netflix series "Camp Cretaceous.")

Lambeosaurus: a Large fragment of leg bone that really helps you understand how big some of the hadrosaurs were.

Pachycephalosaurus: A very cool bump (osteoderm) from the bald headed, very bumpy herbivore, plus a pachy tooth!

Diplodocus: An incredible neck rib/tendon
(The most famous diplodocus is "Dippy" at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh)

* CSI: A crazy cool hadrosaur rib bone fragment with the very distinctive predator tooth attack marks of Tyrannosaurus!

* Maiasaura: A tibia (lower leg) and vertebrae from the hadrosaur.
(Maiasaura egg nests were discovered by Jack Horner who the Dr. Alan Grant character is based on in Jurassic Park.)

Ichthyosaurus: a fossilized flipper and vertebrae, of the prehistoric cousin of dolphins.
(Icthyosaurus was discovered by Mary Anning's brother Joseph on the Jurassic Coast of Lyme Regis, England. Mary herself would go on to be called "the greatest fossilist the world ever knew.

Plus, the amazing existing collection of real fossils which is Traveling Dinos.
Marks' love and advocacy for great books is a an important part of the museum. We continue to add to our extensive library of all books Dinosaur, and always have a great selection with the museum for kids to peruse.

Plus, many really cool New Museum Dinosaur models and figures, and some of the most incredible real fossil finds from around the world!
By the time we visit with you, there will probably be even more new finds in the Traveling Dinos Museum!

Contact Tami Today to Reserve your date to bring this fantastic In-house field trip enrichment to your kids at
A stunning African T Rex tooth is part of The Trex Exhibit in Traveling Dinos

Packing underway for the next

Traveling Dinos Visit.

Mad Science or Just Another Day in The Office?
Prep for The Newest Museum Pieces Underway

Curating, researching, displaying, and getting new, never before seen pieces ready for viewing are part of the journey on the way to the museum. Honestly, it's a lot of work, and yes, it really is fun! 

In the photo you can see very rare Hadrosaurus skin on bone, a Rib bone from a long neck sauropod, an extremely rare vertebrae from Ankylosaurus, a gigantic Mosasaur tooth, the biggest dinosaur stomach stone (gastrolith) we've ever seen, beautiful polished coprolite (dinosaur poop), a finger and toe bone from the hadrosaur Maisauria, very rare Oviraptor egg shells, and jawbone fragments from Triceratops. Plus, new scientifically detailed museum figures, another new digital microscope, and the adorable trex puppet, Rexxie. Believe it or not, there is still more to be curated

All of these incredible pieces work together to tell the story of the magnificent beasts and the stunning history that came before us!

It's a pretty cool day in the office after all!

New Fossil Acquisitons for your kids and families to see in the Traveling Dions Musuem
Traveling Dion in the house
You're Invited to Experience the Visit of Traveling Dinos
Amazing detail with the Digital Streaming Microscope
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Traveling Dinos is a presentation of

Mark Daniel, magical storyteller

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