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How Media & Reading Specialists
Can Best Use The Traveling Dinos Museum

Reaching kids who find reading challenging is a day to day struggle that you know only so well. Now experience the Pure Magic of mixing Kids,
Dinosaurs, and Books!

Ideas for Ways Traveling Dinos has been used by
other Schools as a tie in with:
The Book Fair, before, during, and after.
Title 1 Family Involement
Full Curriculum Focus
Science Focus
In House Field Trip
Special Special
and More!
Maybe one of these ideas is perfect for you!
Funding Ideas for Traveling Dinos
Book Fairs
Title 1
In House Field Trip
Community Sponsors
and any combo of the above!

Dinos and Books:
A Reading Focus!
Mark's lifelong work with Children's books and reading continues with Traveling Dinos.
From the beginning, to the end, books are incorporated in a way seen in no other museum. As reference points, explanations, inspiration, and shear fabulousness, great books help the museum come to life for your kiddos!
Did you know every classic children's fiction/non fiction series features at least one dinosaur book?
From Magic Tree House, The Magic School Bus, The A to Z Mysteries, to The Boxcar Kids and beyond.
New Dino Fiction and Science Non- fiction is coming at a rate like we've seen with few other areas of interest.
One of the coolest things that happens regularly is when we see a kid sitting in the middle of the hubbub of the visit leafing through one of the displayed books, lost in the pages.
Over and over we've seen hard to reach kids connect with something in the museum that captivates them, which opens the pathway for you to guide them in areas of interest.
Magic does happen here!
After all, it's what we do!
You did know you were in the Magic Business right?

"Mr. Daniel this was my favorite day at school ever!"
A Second Grader at the end of her Traveling Dinos visit.

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