Mark with "Haddy" commerating the discovery of the First Nearly Complete Dinosaur in Haddonfield, NJ
The World's First Dinosaur Tracks in recorded history on exhibit at Amherst College, MA
The most complete Acrocanthosaurus discovered is on display at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, NC

The Spectacular Argentinosaurus in the rotunda of The Fernbank in Atlanta,GA (It's so large it was hard to get the whole skeleton in the photo.
No Dinosaurs, just an ultra cool, and active fossil dig site in the center of bustling LA!
So maybe it's not big enough to swallow a T-Rex whole as in Jurassic World, however, the Mosasaurus could gobble almost anything else.
At the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.

Tami and Mark with Blue the raptor from Jurassic World. Blue was made with just under one million legos at The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

Mark and Dr. Bob Bakker, famous for The Dinosaur Heresies, countless Dino Documentaries, and he inspired Jurassic Park. Photo at the Members Pre-grand Opening of The New Paleo Lab and The Dueling Dinosaurs Exhibit at The NC Museum of Natural Sciences.

With principal Steve Haddon as T.rex at Ward L.Myers Elem.

Mark and Clayton Phipps, The Dinosaur Cowboy, who excavated The Dueling Dinosaurs. (duelingdinosaurs.org) and the landowners where the T-Rex and Triceratops were found, Mary Ann and Lige Murray

Mark and Dunkleosteus the Prehistoric Armored Fish at The Mace Brown Museum of Natural History- Collage of Charleston

Mark and Tami on the bridge over more than 2000 dinosaur tracks enclosed in a geodesic dome at Dinosaur State Park, Rock Hill, CT.

Mark and Tami at The Newly Reopened Peabody Mueseum at Yale.

Member of

Mark Daniel grew up loving dinosaurs, comic books, magic tricks, and reading! His passion for dinosaurs has never waned with a life long fascination and study. A little over 30 years ago he started not only collecting the literature but also the amazing fossils. The collection has grown, with his travels and networking, and continues to grow through today.
Mark has appeared before millions of children and at thousands of schools, libraries and festivals and on stages around the country. He and his wife Tami have also produced dozens of internationally attended educational conferences on both the east and west coasts.
A funny thing happened along the journey, his love of dinosaurs was often interlaced with many of his presentations, and some 10-12 years ago he included a small exhibit of fossils with his visits. It grew as collections tend to and became a "bit of a thing."
Now that "bit of a thing" has become it’s own "thing!"
He brings the Traveling Dino’s museum to you as a career high Masterwork, combining every unique skill set from his perspective as a journey person performer, conference/special events director, and dinosaur nerd!
With inspiration from a mom and dad who were some of the most creative people he has ever known, plus true geniuses who mentored him throughout his lifetime, along with the very creative Tami, it's a team effort for sure.
Through years of performing, Mark has studied, developed, and refined techniques for entertaining and motivating children, which have garnered praise throughout the educational community. Mark's original series of performances, Those Magical Dinosaurs! and the READasaurus Programs have been seen by over three million elementary school students during the past 20 plus years. Info at magicalstoryteller.com
Mark and Tami reside out in the countryside, an hour north of Charlotte, near Mocksville, NC.
Their identical twin sons, Robert and Stephen are Eagle Scouts, and their business Still Grimey specializes in curated vintage clothing. They live in nearby Winston-Salem, NC.